Saturday 23 April 2016

#4 Rees - Setting Prologue Quote

When Bel created the world, he created it in the image of the world which had come before. In his reforging, he returned much of what man once was. Before magic, the sight, and knowledge.

Whispers of magic endure even now, yet always prove untrue. They were ancient even in the old city, which forms the bones beneath our own. And they were ancient even in the city beneath that.

Do not, my students, be led down the path of hunting old magic. It is a proven folly. Nobles of every era have spent their fortunes on such wishes. You would do better by investing in the thriving fishing trade - our great wooden ships have begun mastering the ever-dark lake tunnels. Or, you could throw your inheritance away, on magic and yester-world tales. Even now, half the great houses dig, supposing that they just need to find the ruins of a city deep enough.

-          Lecture from the Scribe Orvo, who later embarked on an expedition to the mines beneath, seeking treasure and magic.